
        +1 916-800-5881

        1731 Howe Avenue, Suite 585 Sacramento, CA 95805

        Help us build awareness of the arts in California

        Our sister organization, California for the Arts, provides programs and services to make advocating for the arts easier than ever. As a 501c3, they help promote awareness of the arts, while California Arts Advocates – a 501c4 – ensures the arts are represented on a legislative level.

        Legislative & Budget Updates

        State Updates - Campaign to Voice Opposition to Significant Program Changes at the CAC


        It is time for a creative solution

        In February of 2021, Californians for the Arts (CFTA) was quoted in a New York Times article about the Otis Report on the Creative Economy and a CFTA study about the impact of COVID on the arts workforce. “Arts workers are suffering from “fragile economic foundations” and “devastating and immediate loss of income,” said Julie Baker, the executive director of Californians for the Arts. “We are facing a California creativity crisis and what we are calling a cultural depression.”

        Legislative & Budget Updates

        Observations from the road: Statewide travels with CEO Julie Baker

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        Museums of every size and type across the state benefit in countless ways, thanks to CAA's year round advocacy work.

        Jennifer Caballero, California Association of Museums

        CA Arts Advocates, Member

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