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        California Arts Council Grantmaking Evaluation | Wolf Brown & Scansion


        Wolf Brown & Scansion

        The California Arts Council’s programs aim to allow all Californians to thrive via public support for creativity and the arts. To assess the effectiveness of its grantmaking and contract-based funding, CAC contracted with the consulting firms Scansion and WolfBrown to engage in a comprehensive, 30-month-long grantmaking evaluation. Beginning in February of 2020, the final deliverables were presented to the Council at a public meeting in August 2022.

        Evaluation Summary Report

        Field Scan of Equity in Arts Funding in California

        The Field Scan provides a deep analysis of California’s arts infrastructure and access to funding, with particular focuses on racial and geographic equity. These analyses offer critical context for the other components of the evaluation. Methodology included a scan of the existing literature, extensive analysis of quantitative data from CAC and other sources, as well as qualitative data from arts stakeholders in three communities across the state. The evaluation team collaborated with the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA) in preparing the Field Scan.

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